I live on the East coast of Australia. We had an extremely rare (for us) tornado rip through on Xmas Eve and electricity and cell phones have been down for 3 days. Despite it being hot, and usually being unsettled sleepers we have slept very well and I am realising that it's most likely bc we are not being bombarded by magnetic/radio waves. Cell phone tower nearby.

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"I have sent the authors a letter, with links to literature reviews, informing them that RF radiation is the biggest cause of insect decline"

It is utterly important to be aware of the groups like ICNIRP, FCC, Safetycode6, ARPANSA, that create the EMF safety guidelines. They are the most powerful because they pollute the public opinion: WHO has even adapted ICNIRP in its group WHO-EMFproject. This group, linked to Telecoms, states that all wireless is safe. That 5G is safe. The world believes it. Even judges are not up to date and cannot judge because they have not any idea what is dangerous, why, and why other, lower or higher limits are not or more dangerous. What the difference is between thermal effects and biological effects. That safety guidelines are based on observations of a doll named SAM with a mix of water, salt and sugar in its plastic head. The thermal effects are measured while an active cellphone is irradiation the head, for some minutes. These safety guidelines decision makers groups did/do not study EMF outside a lab, so not theoretically at a desk, no, in the outside world, in reality, in practice, in cities, where all cellphone connections bundle to strong powerful invisible energy lines, next to all the active routers in all the with each other connected or too near to each other houses, next to all the smart meters, constantly pumping EMF rhythms through the entire building. People are microwaved. Their animals as well.

People cannot be convinced about the dangers because they are not informed about the symptoms. For those who do not know either: go to https://cellphonetaskforce.org and chose the language that you like: English, French, Norwegian or Dutch. Spread the link. Print it. Take it with you everywhere. You have to inform by showing the facts. On a paper.



For those who are interested in more info about EMF and insects, bees:


Bookmark it. So that you can offer all the info to all who are still not believing what others know already so long. Only science can safe us. Not assumptions or personal observations, without being a scientist and knowing how to observe, analyse and conclude.

For all links to all you need to know,: https://multerland.blog/emf-links/

Advice: buy an EMFields Acousticom2. Take it with you everywhere you go. Activate it when it is necessary, needed. Only with that device people SEE what WE, who are sensitive, SENSE. What BEES sense. All life forms. Bees cannot fantasize or invent a disease. Becuase that is what the world thinks: that we, who suffer from EHS, invent it. That we are silly. Not intelligent. Sensitive for conspiracy theories.

Takethe Acousticom2 even with you to your general practitioner, because they are educated on universities that are paid by Big Pharma: to offer you some drugs to stop your body sensing the symptoms.

The Acousticom2 is my gun. It shoots the denials into pieces.

I keep shooting. It works!

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Yes, the regulators are protecting industry interests rather than the health of people, wildlife, earth. They do this by careful wording of statements like:

“that there is no established scientific evidence to support any adverse health effects from very low RF EME exposures to populations or individuals.”

“At these higher 5G frequencies, the limits in the ARPANSA safety standard are set to prevent excessive heating at the surface of the skin and the eye.”


The key words in those two statements are “established” & “excessive”. This is how they attempt to minimize or obscure the true harms of the technologies industry interests want deployed.

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ARPANSA, next to all other mentioned non-ionizing radiation protection groups, are a copy of ICNIRP, the group that is adapted in WHO's EMF-project, both created by Mike Repacholi, who had connections with Telecom, though he has never admitted it personally, but it is proven. The "science" published in PubMed, ResearchGate, DeGruyter, etc. by ICNIRP commissioners and ICNIRP's SEG (Science Expert Group) members is referenced in the research of both thermal effects as biological effects researchers. The "science" results of ICNIRP linked scientists has been highly respected as infallible, untouchable, for a too long time, and still. But there are fortunately more and more publications of research specifically about ICNIRP, how it functions, and the fraud they publish, via, like you also mention, a language that needs professionals to understand that what is written is scam. Bit Business does the same. In this way law is manipulated into the law of the industries. All is corrupted. Even judges, lawyers, are paid by the industry and cooperate with the industry to achieve the goals of the industry: economic growth.

Therefore it is necessary that those who buy products from the industry, in this case telecoms, are informed about the lies, the misleading non-science behind the product and that ICNIRP, the International Commission on the Non-Ionizing Radiation PROTECTION does not PROTECT at all. The radiation levels are far above their own limits, but there are hardly scientists who check these limits.

Especially the Swedish professor Lennart Hardell and investigative journalist on EMF dangers and chair of the Swedish Strålskyddsstiftelsen, Mona Nilsson, are very active in researching scientifically the concentrations of EMF in Stockholm. Their results are alarming, so shocking! The Swedish governmental EMF "protection" group has strong connection with ICNIRP and does NOT alarm, like not any European member state does: EU has copied the ICNIRP limits and follows these, via their own group SCHEER.

Website Strålskyddsstiftelsen English: https://radiationprotection.se

Website MicrowaveNews, with a long list of articles with criticism about ICNIRP, and constant updates about the science of the biological effects of EMF, possible to subscribe: https://microwavenews.com/www.html

The politicized and Telecom-industry linked ICNIRP, and their copies and also politicized ARPANSA, Safetycode6, FCC, SCHEER, WHO-EMFproject have to be disbanded, all "scientists" who are linked with ICNIRP have to be exposed and marked as Telecom salesmen and women, political influencers, Health Care polluters, even lobbying worldwide their false safety guidelines (they are active even in Africa!!) the papers in which they are referenced removed from all scientific platforms because of their conflicts of interest with all mentioned.

We, those who suffer from EHS because of ICNIRP's lies and rejecting the biological effects, have the task to expose ICNIRP.

WE are the judges.

A collection of ICNIRP articles, filled with criticism, proof of fraud, immorality, and corruption started in June 2019:


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Keep on speaking to whoever will listen.

And this: the same situation you've eloquently & correctly written about happens across all industries. The APVMA is protecting the chemical/ag/vet industries, the TGA the pharmaceutical industry, FSANZ the food industries, OGTR the biotech industry etc (including the energy/fuel industries). They all use the same playbook & all continue to harm.

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Thank you so much for this discussion.

Yes, keep on speaking.

Many greetings, from Norway, via a cabled computer to I am am certain, another cabled computer.

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Thank you too. Yes, cabled all the way for me, but surrounded by wireless lovers.

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Flowers are now pollinating themselves, as bee populations face extinction. Butterflies are being tagged with RF transmitters...please share with any climate researchers you may know.

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@Arthur Firstenberg

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This has nothing to do with “climate change” it has everything to do with Chemtrails and 5G!!!

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Robin D. from near Atlanta, GA. We have lots of bees, wasps, hawks, owls, turkeys, deer, snakes, fire ants, etc. on our small farm. Could it be because we have a Biodynamic Field Broadcaster and utilize Electroculture copper antennae? I think so. We also apply Biodynamic Field preparations instead of commercial fertilizers. Dump the commercial chemical tech and return to Rudolph Steiner's spiritual tech.

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Keep doing what you do and make sure to teach others, before the farms disappear completely.🤗

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For anyone that wants to learn about Biodynamic farming, check out https://jpibiodynamics.substack.com

Here's a diagram of the field broadcaster: https://issuepedia.org/wikiup/d/de/Qubrcaster.pdf

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Thanks for the link Robin! How long have you been doing this approach and farming?

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We've been on this small horse farm for 20 years. First off, biodynamic farming is a lot of work. Spraying on a continual basis is a lot of physical work. There are only two of us who work our farm. I physically sprayed the remedies for 1-2 years. And then Hugh Lovell installed the field broadcaster. Soon after that, he moved to Australia. He passed a few years ago.

There are biodynamic homeopathic remedies in the field broadcaster. Their energies are applied daily by the field broadcaster. The remedies were adjusted a couple of times on an annual basis. But they've been the same remedies without updates for the last 15 years. Today we apply zero amendments to our pastures. We rotate the pastures and feed hay from an outside source. Essentially we do nothing but occasionally bushhog the pastures and treat the land with respect. We are rewarded with healthy horses and lots of wild life. It's an exercise in consciousness.

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I really don’t understand how “they” are able to continue their chemtrail and 5G assault ...everything they do is by tacit agreement if people would wake up and realize it, we would maybe have a chance, but most people are still standing in line for booster shots

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I hear you Fayanne, but even if it may seem like it's "most people"...remember that revolutions can be started with 3% of the populace, awake and aware. It's up to us to rally the lions and turn the tides of our collective destiny. Keep the faith, and visualize the future we want! Do you have lots of bees where you are?

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Mental illness is almost universal (Father, forgive them ;for they do not know what they are doing) and I struggle myself to make peace with this !!!!

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If we could hypnotize israeli "defense" force and make them believe that Gaza also includes the vatican, the city of london, brussels, davos and washington d.c. then we could break out the champagne.

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your 3% statistic is based on believing that the revolutions you're referring to weren't actually operations by a controlled opposition (Alexander Hamilton and the people behind him) I have a friend who has bees where I live, he harvested 200 kg this year. One man operation, part time.

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May be so - but even still - think of one man like Jesus as an example, and how much he impacted society. The ocean is contained in every drop, is it not?

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it might be, but you can't compare what a drop can do with what the ocean can do.

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we won't stop the assault with anything less than violence. We will need to start kidnapping the banking families. I'm not ready to do it, or at least I wouldn't admit to being ready to do it in writing whether I was or I wasn't. If somebody does it I'd recommend just killing them and don't seek to contact their families. Let them just see what it is to see their progeniture disappear and not know why. They're so smart, they'll figure it out.

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The greater the communications infrastructure, the greater the damage to the Earth, the animals, and ourselves.

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Well then perhaps people need to focus their attention on Elon Musk, who is currently planning to build the largest

Communication "space web" around earth. In fact he is well on target with his timetable and at this stage 2028 is looking to have all the satalites launched into space to fully blanket the earth. There will be no place on earth that will not be in full range and reach of satalites, 6-10G and "communications".

He and Jeff B are not "racing" for mars. They are in a race to space grid the earth for total AI control and implementation.

#itsallintheplan #itsnotarace #itsnotyou #itsthem #wearemany #getnoisy #getlocalised

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Looks like we have a few years to prevent the firing of this super weapon.

The sooner we can get the, "Elon is our savior" types to see what is really going on we should be good. But we'll see...

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The plants are all being genetically modified to self pollinate. The chemtrails have not only been raining down graphene & thermite particles, as well as many other chemical compounds over the last 40 years, but also genetically modified seeds.

As for butterflies being tagged with miniaturised frequency equipment... so too are wild birds. I am studying as a mature student at Falmouth university in Cornwall & am living in a cottage on the campus... I have a bird feeder hanging from branches right outside my kitchen window & have watched tiny birds feeding for the last few days..all have ankle tags.

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@macDuff. Violence will not work. Anyone acting against authority in a combatant style will be imprisoned under terrorist laws now set in place worldwide.

The only way forward is to prevent the ‘Power Towers’ from transmitting. That means building a resistance movement. Difficult when everyone & their aunt are under constant surveillance even in their own homes! Privacy is a long forgotten luxury for those not in the very wealthy set or working for them to fuck the rest of us over!

But rest assured... taking out those masts / “Power Towers” IS the way forward. Without the frequency transmissions people will begin to wake up to the reality of what is going on within days... Brain fog lifts within one week. Concentration returns. Depression lifts. Health issues disappear as of never existent. Lungs clear. Asthma subsides. Hair & nails grow properly again. Children become less angry. Appetites return to normal. Nerve pain issues disappear. Compulsive disorders vanish within weeks. Weight returns to normal. Blood pressure returns to normal. Hormone imbalances return to normal.... Those towers have been going up everywhere mostly unnoticed since the 1970’s. British Telecom here in the UK have worked alongside the military for over 7 decades with all of this infrastructure, both inside & outside of our homes! It’s why they are the only company permitted to instal telecommunications system wiring in buildings in the UK & why they are one of the only companies to be exempt from freedom of information requests by law. They sign a fresh covenant with the military every 5 years.

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Help me find any example in which this worked without violence. The only one I can think of is the end of the ussr. Look at the war between the states. The psychopath Lincoln didn't want to be the president who let the south leave, disappointing the northern bankers who put him in office. So he used enough violence to kill at least 600,000 people to prevent them from exercising their constitutional right of secession. I think I'll find a lot more examples of violence working than non-violence. The end of the ussr only worked because the bankers weren't motivated enough to keep the scam going. I'm still not sure why. I think they make a lot of mistakes and that there aren't a lot of people writing about their mistakes. If you know of good writing regarding the worst mistakes made by the new world ODOR, please recommend it.

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Why would I bother...... you obviously know exactly how to subvert all the laws now set in place worldwide that allow for anyone & everyone even discussing rousing people to protest or act violently against the state to be arrested & imprisoned for life, so you crack on! 🎉

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I"m still waiting to hear any good ideas that you might have.

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I agree.

Normal people feeling the effects of an EMF mitigated (or absent) life is one of the best weapons we have to turn the tide.

I'm thinking that we can lead them to strategies they can utilize now that give them a small taste of a future that can be and that will start waking people up.

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are you sure you didn't watch "they live" one time too many? I wouldn't complain if somebody tried kidnapping these people. We need to do like they do, have multiple strategies running at the same time. We should grab our electricity for our homes from the network feeding the 5g. So far it's the same network, but they'll change that out of their desire to leave us in the dark.

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I’m afraid you are very wrong! The network is being used to monitor every household worldwide,.... they have no intention of taking away the power supply. They need it for surveillance. Every time you plug any of your devices into a socket power supply to charge it the contents of it are connected to the main servers for upload! Military 101 ! The telecommunications companies are also helping this monitoring procedure. There is no privacy anywhere.

Not sure what you mean by my watching ‘they live’... I barely watch tv & have no clue what that program/film/series is?

My writings are based on fact & 5 years worth of research. Knowing some of the police & military involved personally & being totally fucked over by them for fighting back!

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nope. Nobody is seeing contents of any of my devices through the electric network. Yours, perhaps. Did you refuse the "smart" meter? I did. Do you use a cell phone? I don't. Do you set the parameters on the router that connects you to the internet? I do. Do you use your internet box delivered by an ISP? I have to use it, but its wifi is off. Do you know how to use ssh? I do. I can have privacy. I don't use it much as most people are in the matrix and think that everything's ok. I haven't had a tv in decades either, but you should watch "they live". should be freely watchable on the internet. Are you free to talk about the police and military who you say are on your case specifically? Tell me more regarding the electrical distribution network. It'd be easy to put low pass filters on the a.c. which let the 50 hz through unimpeded and attenuate all high frequencies by many orders of magnitude.

We should be creating our own communication networks. It is not difficult to do. Obviously we should be creating our own currency. The reason it will be harder than it was in 1929 is that nobody knows how to make anything useful any more. Everybody should get a CNC machine and start practicing so we can make everything we need. That'd be the non-violent way to rid ourselves of these low-life new world ODOR shmucks. By not needing them. Then they'd see that we realize that they need us and we don't need them.

Hopefully they maintain their pseudo-capitalist system so that at least when the time comes we won't have to make our own ropes to hang them all. But making ropes is doable. And one rope can hang a lot of deserving ODORites.

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Indeed it can..... Are you in the US or the UK?

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I'm in Europe. Well done on you folks there to be out of europe. I see their vindictive responses. If you're stuck behind a smart meter it is actually pretty easy to install the low pass filters I mentioned. Probably some decent systems to make it more difficult for them to know how you use electricity too. May be worth it even if it cost some waste. If you're heating with electricity in the winter then storage batteries to hide your instantaneous use of electricity doesn't really cost you anything if you arrange to use the waste heat from the batteries in your heating system.

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As mentioned in other replies.... I am living in a university owned cottage on campus so cannot do anything with power , heating or wifi inlets & supplies. Haven’t noticed a smart meter anywhere but there is enough equipment installed that’s emitting shit to knock out a small army in this & the adjoining 8 cottages so I am fried in all directions unfortunately!

I’ve already been reprimanded & have received a written warning for subverting campus regulations regarding fire regs, so I imagine my tampering with the electrical supply would be severely frowned upon despite it possibly giving me great pleasure!

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Guess birds and insects emit carbon just like humans and animals. We are all on the endangered list from all directions>

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There is a very simple & effective way to halt the furtherment of this onslaught... Take the ‘Power Towers’ down. The huge mast antennas that have been erected everywhere are NOT for the purposes of mobile phone & tv use. They are housing military grade frequency equipment & all are connected to the main grid system that encompasses the entire planet. Without those in operation the animal, plant, insect & human life systems would repair themselves within 1 year to sufficient levels to avert what has been set in place by those in power.

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just looked at your blog. You should learn to spell the word speech if you mean to use it regularly. You should review your understanding of the concept of democracy.

The best definition I know is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.

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In the grand scheme of things my misspelling a word due to fast typing is irrelevant .... what Is important is people not being roused to acts of childish violence by others who have very little understanding of the machine that is controlling society as a whole these days & exactly what its capabilities are. Enjoy your enslavement! 🤗🇬🇧✌️🪅

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my enslavement? I'm not the one who can't charge a device at my house without its contents being copied. You are looking to be all hat and no cattle. Please say something intelligent rather than vindictive. Maybe start by admitting that I taught you how to spell the word "speech".

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Your attitude, considering you do not know me at all but feel compelled to try to make me feel inferior to you (unsuccessfully), reminds me of a very old man that I have known since I was a young girl of 16.... He also likes to air his perceived superiority in public. He lives alone, has no friends to speak of & is now mostly avoided by many that know him due to his arrogance. He is an engineer with many talents, but unfortunately being ‘nice’ to people isn’t one of them.

I’m afraid I am far too old to be tempted to play mind games anymore.... If my misspelling of a word here & there due to fast typing, & keyboard fuckery insults your idea of perfection then I suggest you don’t visit my page again, as it will likely be a recurring event over the coming months as I snatch moments to type up comments etc. in between research, coursework & learning how to use Hollywood standard editing software, as well as a myriad of other boring shite that I never thought I would have to get my head around at the age of 58!

It seems standing up to authority & digging your heels in when they decide to totally fuck you over after you collate enough evidence against their buddies to have them sent to prison can cause an avalanche of shitty events occurring simultaneously that then lead to an entire life change needing to be undertaken to facilitate their downfall...

Under these circumstances you’ll have to forgive my not wanting to play ‘who’s the cleverest of them all’ with you. I simply don’t have the time or the inclination. If you have something useful to impart then by all means feel free to share. I have no knowledge of electrical engineering wizardry & unfortunately the internet capabilities are mostly out of my control due to living in a university owned cottage on the campus that has everything pre installed ready to fuck everyone over 24/7!

Happy New Year for next week.🪅🇬🇧🦦🤓

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Your attitude, considering you do not know me at all but feel compelled to try to make me feel inferior to you (unsuccessfully)

Ok, I see that you are soooo smart that you know what my motivations are for everything I might do. It's not possible that I might be correcting your error of spelling the word "speech" so that you stop looking like an idiot to people who notice these things. It's got to be that I've got a massive inferiority complex and I look all over the network to find people who spelled a word wrong. Surely you are right, and you are the smartest person around who sees these things and knows that you are right.

, reminds me of a very old man that I have known since I was a young girl of 16.... He also likes to air his perceived superiority in public. He lives alone, has no friends to speak of & is now mostly avoided by many that know him due to his arrogance. He is an engineer with many talents, but unfortunately being ‘nice’ to people isn’t one of them. I’m afraid I am far too old to be tempted to play mind games anymore.... If my misspelling of a word here & there due to fast typing,

fast typing? I'm not going to go and look again, I could be mistaken, but it seems that I saw this spelling error when I went to YOUR substack. That this was the place where you wrote what you wrote to entice people to participate in your substack. I can't speak for you, but I did the same, and I think I made a point of avoiding spelling errors. In spite of my ability to type fast.

& keyboard fuckery insults your idea of perfection then I suggest you don’t visit my page again,

I expect to keep bothering you, unless you bore me. I think what's going on here is that you have a problem with an inferiority complex and that it doesn't need to persist.

as it will likely be a recurring event over the coming months as I snatch moments to type up comments etc. in between research, coursework & learning how to use Hollywood standard editing software, as well as a myriad of other boring shite that I never thought I would have to get my head around at the age of 58!

I'm older than you. So more reason for you to believe that I'm a disagreeable old fart who has nobody who cares about him and lives for the day he can imagine that he's made you feel less important than you are.

It seems standing up to authority & digging your heels in when they decide to totally fuck you over after you collate enough evidence against their buddies to have them sent to prison can cause an avalanche of shitty events occurring simultaneously that then lead to an entire life change needing to be undertaken to facilitate their downfall..

Well, I'm looking forward to reading about that.

. Under these circumstances you’ll have to forgive my not wanting to play ‘who’s the cleverest of them all’ with you.

Because you're so smart that you've rejected the possibility that I want you to avoid looking like a doofus for not knowing how to spell speech as a service to you to help you accomplish your objectives.

I simply don’t have the time or the inclination. If you have something useful to impart then by all means feel free to share. I have no knowledge of electrical engineering wizardry & unfortunately the internet capabilities are mostly out of my control due to living in a university owned cottage on the campus that has everything pre installed ready to fuck everyone over 24/7! Happy New Year for next week.

You have an internet connection. You can put a router on it. You can have a FREE VPN and get out of that rabbit trap and they won't know a goddam thing about what you're doing.

And even if you, because of your own personal problems of which I have no knowledge, want to aggress me thinking falsely that you've been aggressed, that doesn't mean I wouldn't be happy to share my knowledge of how to do that with you.

I hope you can get over these perceptions you've had which perhaps are more apt to show you who you are than to show you who I am, and that we can begin to h ave a conversation.

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Does your location in Europe per chance fall anywhere within the limits of Devon & Cornwall?

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OK. That is mean-spirited, macDuff. You have bitched and bitched and now you want to claim SUPERIORITY? Get over yourself, man.

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and her "Enjoy your enslavement! 🤗🇬🇧✌️🪅" was meant to be kind?

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You goaded her over and over before that AND YOU KNOW IT.

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Reality: "There are currently over 6.5 billion smartphones worldwide — a number that’s projected to increase in the coming years."

This means that there are ~6.5 billion degenerate uman animals using at least one device. Expecting that those billions are going to stop using them is at the same level as expecting that we stop using fire!

We've plenty of evidence from the Past to know that we won't do anything to CHANGE if the CHANGE implies losing something.

And this is just we talking about "smart"phones!

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Hello Mr Firstenberg! I'm trying to contact you but cannot find any contact info. I tried contacting you through the "Cellular Phone Task Force" site but it won't send. Do you have an email that I can write too?! : )

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Where I live here in Central California we have to hire a beekeeper every season to manage our incredible amount of bees. I’m sure their amount has been seriously reduced substantially from decades past. I grow a garden full of plants which attracts bees. Soon it will be bee season again.

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I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.

THEY want you dead or a slave every which way from Sunday and AI, wireless gadgets and 5G/6G are major components in THEIR arsenal.

Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant parasites are perpetrating!

There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.

Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.


My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!

There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

Kudos to Arthur Firstenberg's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.

Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links. https://virustruth.net


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.


There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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Dec 27, 2023
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Good insight - plus the weakening magnetosphere - which is why we need all of the magnetic strength our planet more than ever. Where did you hear about the solar minimum?

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