The more of us who grab those landlines, the better - as they're being phased out. That said - some in remote areas may need a sat connection, but there is no reason for hundreds of thousands to millions of satellites.

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There are no more landlines ,they are all operated by wifi.no mroe copper lines. So they are taking away our choices.

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Landline is misnamed as it is a base station with a signal incoming. Any device that receives is bringing a signal to your proximity. To end RF toxicity one must end have a receiver! Choice is up to the individual.

How a group called RF anonymous to deal with the addiction ?!

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It is an addiction. We choose to spend time with a screen over human beings.

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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Your link hits a brick wall. Is there another link?

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Yup, we sure are....many will die in the hundreds of millions worldwide...think WWZ with Brad Pitt, another preprogramming nigtmare scenario...Watch the clip... scary stuff...of sheer nightmares...the people running this planet are Satanists...death and destruction is in their bloodlines...God help us all...I'm just sending out an urgent warning not fear....BE PREPARED!

World War Z



1h 56m https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0816711/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_7_nm_1_in_0_q_WWZ

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The only preparation is Jesus Christ - the new birth - separated in him. The Book that told this story 5,000 years ago, also told us that a man would come that would be the shelter from the storm. The Book missed not a detail. The ONE verse anyone needs to know is: "WHOSOEVER shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved'.

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publication 'not available'...

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I live in a quasi remote area. I held the copper land for as long as I could, then they cut it and installed 2 boxes in my kitchen. I get fried at my desk daily. I still don't have a cell phone after 7 years. We use our ipad allot, with a little man of 6 tho. wifi bluetooth et all.

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Thanks for sharing that - are you aware of dirty electricity in the home wiring, and effects of kHz frequencies? These are often overlooked.

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WiFi, EMF, ELF, 5G, dirty electricity, we're all being bombarded with mega negative frequencies but we can also be defended against them with EMF protective clothing and those pyramids with copper coils....



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Perhaps hermits will once again have a chance to assert an evolutionary advantage

Probably has always been so to a degree. Those in "civilization" who need the company and complexity of lots of people and benefit from the advantages of the complex infrastructure supported by all that including the increased opportunity to find suitable reproductive partners one day find themselves in a situation so complex and EMF irradiated that it starts to collapse.

THAT'S when the ornery misfits who are near impossible to keep in touch because they have no cell phone or land line and only way to contact them is visit or send a letter. THAT'S when evolution smiles on the hermit misfits because the others have wiped themselves out by "staying connected". The hermits as the lonely survivors start to emerge dominant. Till the cycle repeats and builds till the next "too cute for our own good" collapse

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Helps to sleep on a grounding or earthing mat, too. Amazon sells 'em pretty cheap.

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The way things are going a lot of us may be sleeping on the ground soon enough

Which will at least keep us grounded

I try to be a glass half full kinda guy:)

Not easy when you're a hermit watching the circus without the noise trying to tell you, "trust us, it's NOT a circus". Ah right!? Hermitage provides clarity and a little quiet ... but little else. But sometimes Clarity & quiet is all you need:)

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As much as I'd like to agree Shari, I think this depends on where you're located. Most of the North American power grid has detrimental ground current, as there is no dedicated ground wire running to the substation, and utility companies use the Earth (not a sponge, but a conductor) as the ground.


Plugging ourselves in to the outlet, or ground, can open up sodium and potassium channels causing illness.

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Please look up how bad screen time is for young kids who are developing their concentration abilities. So many iPad kids have been diagnosed with adhd NOT because they were born with it but because all the screen use meant they lost their concentration capabilities and are easily distracted.

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I am still on copper wire with my voip line and internet. AT&T tried to "upgrade" me the other day, and I refused after checking how high my internet bill would go, if I let 'em (it would DOUBLE!). Fuck AT&T. I'm dropping 'em for TV soon, too. YouTube TV will work fine for my purposes!

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What I've found with Verizon (I've been with them forever) is somehow no matter how many things I drop the price ALWAYS and quickly soon returns back to a price equal or higher than the one that forced me to drop cable (down to phone & internet now and mostly keep them for the phone number). At this point I am afraid that if I drop them completely, no phone no internet no nada they will STILL charge me the outrageous charge they always have. It is almost as if they had a line put into the constitution that gives them money collection rights similar to taxation because no matter what I do or what I drop the price keeps increasing. Government, telecom & insurance companies all collect hundreds a month from virtually everyone (I'm guessing). That's a lot of power political. TOO much power IMO.

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I know bundling is supposed to save $$, but I've found having a different carrier than your internet, is cheaper! Try Boost.

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Thanks! I'll give it a sniff

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You don't know how correct you are! My parents moved and when I called to disconnect their DISH TV thy said there is a $180 charge for disconnecting early from the contract. So yes, they attempted to charge my parents for providing nothing. I raised a stink and weasled out of the phone person that there IS a way around, but it's complicated. I have the feeling they are being required to tell people about the work around because what they are doing is illegal.

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Sounds like my "free" it's covered by warrantee repair. Item broke so I took it for repair. With a straight face they told me it was $175 to diagnose what is wrong (I know what is wrong, the covered thing is broken), then if whatever is wrong is covered that part will be fixed free. IE the covered item may be broken but it may not be the covered item's fault it is broken. Some other part may have hurt its feelings and it now doesn't work so we have too check that out. What's your guess of the chance that they find out what is broken is under warrantee? My guess was politely to leave before they stole my car

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Right. Just like filing an insurance claim and they get back to you and gosh durn it, it's not covered because we don't cover incidents that happen on days ending with a y

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That's true...so how do we communicate? Good question....downgrade to a simple cell phone, non smart technology, just enough to make calls...I dont know what else we can do at this moment, besides native Indian style smoke signals or ESP.

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That's what I'm thinking. Thry get us hooked on the convenience ,but it's a deadly convenience.

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Yes , i found this out when i called to get a landline. So i am at a loss. Yes i am on my cell now. I hate it.

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Don't know about where you live, but my landline is definitely on a copper wire network. I can see the phone line leading to my house. The phone works, even when there is a local power outage, as it gets power from the phone company. It works fine even with an old dial phone.

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Southern Colorado, Exactly like yours David and I have copper wire landline. Several years ago my young daughter was describing our landline phone to her friend and she couldn't describe it because its not a cell phone lol.

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Houston texas, where do u live? At and t shut it all down and those tgat have them stillborn being shut down soon.

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rural Vermont, and the service is not AT&T

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I called around and all the companies said they no longer use the copper wire in home or business lines. Even if u get a land line it's operated by wifi. Eventually the whole world. this prison earth is now showing it's design

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yes, for many years now, all through same same

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Personally I don't believe in satellites, at least not how they describe them. I doubt we've been to what they present as space.

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You'd think with all the space junk as well as satellites we'd see more twinkles at night along with stars, at least more than we see, but somehow the infamous 'they' are able to pinpoint an individual's unique brain signature and target them at extreme range with neuroweaponry. Lots of questions. Targetedjustice.com

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There are no space junk or satellites as thought of.

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Could you tell me about this neuroweaponry, I think I may have been targeted. Honestly I think every single person is under it. But shrinks convinced my husband to ask me “what makes you so special that someone would want to monitor you”? I don’t think I’m special, I think I’m one of many Christian’s who’s being targeted. In the old days they sent real agents into our religion to spy on us. What better way to spy on our religion than to infiltrate genuine Christian’s and watch/ listen through their minds?

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https://gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com/ is a good resource to show that it's not just a few people, besides Targeted Justice. Project Soul Catcher by Dr. Robert Duncan is a book detailing the technology while he'd interviewed many targeted individuals (TIs). He helped build the "voice of god" weapon and worked for DARPA, CIA, DoD, etc. for these projects. He has several video interviews speaking of hiveminding and synthetic telepathy using the tech that's long since been patented. It mostly started with MK-ULTRA.

It's estimated there are at least 200k targets in the US alone while it's a prelude to an entire "internet of bodies" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_area_network) and mind control grid for the new world order (i.e. Novus Ordo Seclorum), a term used repeatedly by politicians. The WEF has been pushing for transhumanism as inevitability.

There are various reasons for specific people being targeted and Christianity is one of them. There are tons of proofs out there showing the hierarchy running the clown world we now live in are in fact satanists, to use a blanket term. It's a difficult hierarchy to explain briefly but real Christianity and Jesus' true followers are definitely under attack, physically and spiritually. This is just one way to go about it. As if owning and controlling our souls isn't satanic enough at face value.

Not long from now people will be put to the test as to who they want to serve. The RISE channel on YouTube put it well that all the blatant satanism and chaos being pushed is just a Hegelian Dialectic (problem-reaction-solution) to open the door to a 'savior' figure with the all the answers and miracles to save us all -- an antichrist figure fulfilling prophecy. When it's all too much to bear, people will give in, take the mark and condemn themselves. Watch these dead-serious people talking to him about a one-world religion for a 3rd temple in the works:


Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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Thank you for taking the time to explain.

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I have a 4 handset landline in my home (and I'm almost always there, 'cause I love my environment). It's a voip line, so international calls to clients cost me very little. On the rare occasion my power goes off, I can use my cell in emergencies... but otherwise, it sits in my purse. Boost mobile makes money off Me ($15 a month)!

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Why must there be sat connections to some remote areas?

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We live in a rural area and have been told by our "landline" service that they will no longer be maintaining the lines in our area due to everyone switching to cell service.

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Yes, Starlink...

Who wants to support Elon Musk - it's a breach of my ethics, I'm thinking more and more p2p networking somehow.


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Thank you!

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We're all being slowly microwaved to a slow death like the boiling frog syndrome.

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About 15 years ago I considered getting a cell phone. Around that same time I began hearing bad things about them, mostly about their spy capabilities. So I never owned one. The more I looked into land line tech, the less comfortable I felt about having a land line, so I let that go as well. I've now been without a phone for nearly 15 years. I just have this hardwired internet connection.

Life is very tranquil.

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very curious as to what you've learned about land lines that caused you to refuse.

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Mostly the spying aspects, but also the wireless tech with base stations, as well as the targeting possibilities.

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Sincere question, Kyle, do you not contact people verbally? Just via email and paper mail?

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Skype and zoom.

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And I will consider getting rid of the cell phone all together. I have to visualize a few scenarios, but once I can see how I can manage without it, I'm one step closer.

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That works. We are hard wired as well and use land line. I only have a cell phone for emergency use. But now am considering at least going to flip phone.

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I was thinking of getting a flip phone for emergencies too. After reading this article, I wonder now if they are any safer?

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I am following and very interested in cell vs flip phones.

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They're all track-able and can be used for targeting.

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I've found ooma phone to be worth the money. The biggest issues with many other solutions is the touch tone's wouldn't transmit properly and made it difficult to navigate phone menus or join conference calls...

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Yes, I've had Ooma for about ten years. It's been very reliable. No wireless at all. You can still purch landline phones to attach to the Ooma box.

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For those who are addicted to their tech: Every computer, cell phone and all auxiliary equipment CAN be fully shielded, and hard-wire connected..... but that costs a little extra money to the manufacturer, so therefore No.

All communications and file exchanges from everyone btw devices CAN be coded to be totally encrypted and private... but that costs a little extra money to the app creators, so therefore No.


For those who understand what Arthur is saying above, there is another way:

After destroying and eliminating all harmful technology, there is the amazing possibility for humanity to re-establish its roots in Nature, and to strongly focus on developing our own biological sensitivities and communications abilities, aka spiritual practices and development. The human brain, if fed properly and made healthy, its right brain hemisphere turned back on and returned to proper balance with its left brain hemisphere, is currently right on the cusp of developing extraordinary abilities - remote viewing, telepathy, far greater empathy and capacity to love and care for all of Life..

THAT would be the most momentous breakthrough in human history.

With these nascent abilities activated and continually further developed, humanity would have a perfectly wonderful, organic, biologically compatible and healthful communication system... which is all we would ever need. Not only would we be able to easily communicate with each other, we would also be able to tune into the communications of all Life around us, giving us another, deeper peek into the brilliance and sanctity of Life all around us.

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Love this! I agree. We are pure and experiencing this now. We have a low emf home, overall, minus this magnetic field that goes higher in summer. Low RF for sure. We eat organic and very healthy. Pure water. Taking high doses of iodine. It cleared my third eye, saw auras and my guides in the sky. I have been getting communication from other people's higher self when we are close in proximity. It's real. We just need pure bodies. We have a whole house water filter to remove chlorine and fluoride. We don't eat bromine in white bread. we make our own bread from the original wheat einkorn made in Italy - jovial foods. I made videos on our iodine journey and the third eye opening at the beach with my daughter and the sun! Iodine has really helped us with our resilience, energy and stamina. I have been able to get off of caffeine with high doses of Iodine. It's also responsible for proper cell death, making it anti-cancer through the element Iodolactone. I did a book review on Iodine here: https://youtu.be/paVxIPz1Kgo and link to third eye experience is in the description of the video along to the iodine we take . Not making any money from this, just helping everyone out! I

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ZS - Agreed. Many ways to improve and fine-tune our bodies. Nature is always the answer. Tune into and harmonize with Nature's Laws to one's utmost ability - the rewards are amazing.

Re: telepathy, remote viewing, etc - these abilities come front and center when in the midst of powerful kundalini activity in the body/brain. I have experienced it myself; it brought tears to my eyes. Such amazing, but largely undiscovered capabilities we all have within us. The Psychopathic Powers That Be intend to destroy that potential in everyone... substituting biologically deadly tech for natural biological abilities. Sinister to the core.

For those of you who wonder what went wrong with the human species, this guy's theory make a helluva lot of sense to me:


Definitely worth watching. Once you grok what he is saying, your whole perspective changes about human history and human folly.

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Thanks for sharing this video, I will check it out! I'm grateful to hear you have experienced some higher human potential! I Just had another incredible meditation last night, there are some serious dark forces connected to this planet. I saw a huge grey being connected over Miami, using souls. I went camping in a low emf environment - no magnetic/electric fields and felt great. The RF was 3-6 - very low, however when I went to places with trees where it blocked down to 0 I could feel even better. Crazy how sensitive I am. I want to live in a pure environment. I could do it in a house in a city possibly, but I want to experience a pure environment outside. I think I have to find a place on the edge of civilization somewhere, but where to go? So many millions of people in the USA. Guess I have to be where it is a bit colder than here in Florida

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Exactly why I now live in a fairly remote area of Ecuador, in a river valley with no mobile phone signal. Climate is excellent all year long.

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Tony Wright's presentation is one of the most wonderful I've ever heard. Thank-you Robert!

I'm curious to see what he's been up to in the last six years.

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Thank-you. Watching it now. This highly articulate Tony Wright is ignored by our species!

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Can you re-post your video ? Tried you’d link & video is not available

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Yes. We can be like the Aztecs, human sacrifice. Get real.

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This is the world I dream of Dr Snaidach - definitely.

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The Coconut Wireless

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Put deh lime in deh coconut, drink it on up.

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Olle Johansson was indeed professor at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. Was.

His profile has been removed from their website. There is no work of him to be found in the archives of the Institutet. For Karolinska Institutet he does not exist anymore. Reason; Maria Feychting [https://ki.se/en/people/maria-feychting], was in that time an ICNIRP commissioner. ICNIRP denies the biological effects of wireless radiation.

Book about Olle Johansson, because of Karolinska's humiliating, despicable act; "Tesla's Curse" https://multerland.blog/2021/02/23/book-teslas-curse/

ICNIRP also advises WHO and governments. ICNIRP claims that all wireless is safe.

As long people live with the illusion that their government is caring for their health, nothing will change. Though there is evidence based science that ICNIRP guidelines are based on false assumptions, ICNIRP stays like a rock on its place and is lobbying for the wireless industry, world wide. FCC has copied the ICNIRP "science" and guidelines. Also did ARPANSA, Safetycode6. Because WHO advises the ICNIRP guidelines to governments, the entire world is drowning in EMF because people do simply not believe the warnings of independent scientists

Video that shows ICNIRP's fraud (text created by a.o. Igor Belyaev, Paul Heroux and Henry Lai, available in 22 languages): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MicoRBN510

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"As long people live with the illusion that their government is caring for their health, nothing will change." Yep!

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Many have taken the 'truth syrup' I believe it's affected their ability to think for themselves, but rather have a 'collective brain' syndrome - such an Orwellian thought was also in required reading in our public school systems - to read "1984."

"Gaslighting: The Psychology of Shaping Another's Reality or How Mass Perception is Manufactured" https://canadianpatriot.org/2024/01/13/gaslighting-the-psychology-of-shaping-anothers-reality-or-how-mass-perception-is-manufactured-2/

HG Wells the forefather of this - with his 1938 Hallowe`en Eve Broadcast of the "War of the Worlds" was indeed the first ever 'mass-psychosis' experiment.

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Yes, it was, and it was one of the first ways I tried to clue people in , in 2020. War of the Worlds/War of the Words.

I'm sure the usual suspects who like Hollywood were part of that. Not Wells alone. If they didn't run the op, they would have nixxed it. Then made deals.

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Yes Cynthia and Matt's video exposes several manipulative ploys through our media in that link above I shared...

Seems we have same narrative that of who controls the world narrative, those who are at the helm of their ships that intent to follow the Malthusian narrative with roots in the Imperial Colonialism courts who would rather destroy the planet (again) than give up power.

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thanks for reminding me , I'll listen to that

while the north node is in pisces, we're in the realm of deep deep illusions

Neptune is there also. April 2025 is gonna be nuts, astrologically. I think everyone's a bit hesitant to make any predictions. And that lines up with the covid bs "ending" in March 2025. They make all their moves, long in advance planning, by sidereal astrology. It's striking and fascinating. Know Thine Enemy, but first, Know Thy Self

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Every one must know(or learn) that we don't orbit the fuckin' sun, sheeples!!!

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As long as people live with the illusion of government. Corbett REport did a nice one recently, on anarchy's truths: "I read The Most DAngerous Superstition. "

Good one.

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"As long people live with the illusion that their government is caring for their health, nothing will change."

I don't know how many times I have said exactly that using the words benevolent benefactor. Governments are the exact oposite. They are evil and they steal from everyone.

I have a great respect for the Berbs in Northern Africa. The Egyptian government at one point in time offered them Egyptian citizenship with all the benefits included. They heded Nancy Reagan's advice and just said "NO!".

"The very notion of government is inherently evil. You don't need an authority to give you permission to do good deeds like helping an old lady accross the street, or give food to poor people. The only thing you need authority for is to get permission to do something everyone would say "THAT'S BAD!!!" "

- Larken Rose -

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Yes, that post from Corbett recently was timely and needed.

Another memory..."Berber jewelry, dangling down the street

Make you shut your eye at every woman that you meet"

Shine A Light

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Interesting links. Thank you.

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Did you read Tesla's curse?

It's interesting she's from Norway. Does she ever specifically mention the massive Haarp Facility in no. Norway, Eiscat? The one that shook up Turkey, when Turkey was blocking Norway's entry into NATO, some few years ago?

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I did not read the book. Since HAARP would be a sideroad of the story, I am certain it is not mentioned. The author is not Norwegian, but Polish. She, Nina Witoszek, works as a professor at the University of Oslo. Lately I have written an email to the Norwegian "Steigan" and asked if they maybe had some information about the Norwegian "HAARP", named EISCAT. Especially because they write a lot about the war in Ukraine, NATO, etc. and the subject has always been binned as a conspiracy theory. While the facts are scientifically proven true. HAARP is an electromagnetic war weapon. They pretend, they: all related with a with a HAARP system comparable technical "something", so, again, they pretend all is for science. It is a cover-up of an extremely dangerous war weapon. All what I hear in the media, in high standard discussions between political scientists analysing the war, and naming what sort of war weapons are used (Over The Horizon radars, for instance, are part of it) then I know that Dr. Nick Begich was right when he wrote the book: "Angels Don't Play This HAARP". and later the tutorial about it, that dates from 2006: 24 subtitles, to be found in this collection https://multerland.blog/2024/04/21/haarp/

I never received an answer. When I tried to open a discussion about it on X, Twitter (I closed my profile there, I was shadow banned, I am too critical and anti NATO, not anybody reacted. Norway seems to be afraid to say something about it. That is my perception of that neglection of my question about EISCAT. It is about science, not nonsense. It is about too much to silence it.

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Thank you!

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Yep. Couple or three summers ago, was talking with a woman who works for National Heritage area up in Cascades. She was young and hip, and so I raved on. She told me that she knew guys involved in the geoengineering, but that they all denied what they were up to.

I have a special request in with the heavenly hosts to be able to grab each of them by their you know what's and swing 'em out to never come back cosmos. Idiots. After they take it all down at the end of whips, for free.

Was so disgusted with it all a few years back, slapped down a young functionary with a made up tale of how a male friend explained to me that all these sudden "security guards" appeared all at once, years ago, willing to be bullies for pay because...oh, this was a fun one...."wrap a dollar bill around a guy's dick and he lights up like bozo the clown. "

Drove off thinking, geez, I do have an imagination after all. LOL

That's what guys who say "it's my job" get. That's MY job, haha.

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You don’t need to throw it away you just need to realize its true purpose (tracking, data mining, control) and use it accordingly. A few of my must do’s.

1) Always have your phone in Airplane mode unless you have to make a call. Airplane mode keeps the phone from contacting the nearest repeater with your location every few seconds.

2) Never use cellular to make banking transactions nothing is encrypted so if your data is intercepted all your banking info belongs to whomever intercepts it.

3) GET A VPN! - a Virtual Private Network encrypts all the traffic from your phone when you connect to the internet. Internet Service Providers are often working with big tech to intercept and redirect your data. A VPN gives you a new IP Address so you can appear to be connecting from somewhere else.

4) When you are at home, connect via wireless. Put your phone in Airplane mode and connect to the internet through your wireless internet provider. Again, with a VPN your data is encrypted and your location is private.

5) Use YouTube videos, via wireless, to learn how to secure your phone ie; turn off Background Apps, use a SIM pin etc.

6) Stop using Face ID & Fingerprint ID immediately! Your phones infrared scans your face every few seconds & uploads it to Apple. Same with Android to Google.

If you have an older model phone, before smart phones, you only need Cell & Text, saves a ton of money.

You will not die if you start using you phone as a phone . Stay off of Socials, they are the biggest data mining machines of all time.

There was a time when people used to interact with other people face to face to share stories and daily events. Switch back to text based communication during the day, when you get home, be home. Be present, enjoy your family & friends and stop worrying what a BBL smells like or what Kim K’s new butt looks like. It’s all been designed to strip you of your identity. I believe the Elites ‘strategy’ is called Divide & Conquer.

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You made one mistake. Never put it in Airplane mode. If you must put in a faraday bag. When you put it in Airplane mode it knows you are doing something secret so it records you much more minutely and when you turn back on, submits the data. It always submits data, but we measured the data sent and it's much more than it would have sent normally. Never ever use airplane mode. Again, why? Just put in a faraday bag to achieve the effect safely.

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this. I have a 2nd phone and I put it in airplane mode when I leave one country. I travel to other one come back and switch off airplane mode. Usually within a few minutes I receive a message which welcomes me to the visited country where I was exclusively with airplane mode ON. This was reported to me by multiple colleagues. Definitely it was a topic during scamdemic traceability.

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Their algorithms are good, but not that good. Yet. Airplane mode takes your IMEI (tracking identity on the cell network) off of the network like you've physically shut down your phone.

Today the algorithm can't distinguish between OFF off and APM Off. I must concede I have no ides where they are really at with Quantum computers and whether or not they have given an AGI a Quantum brain already and we don't know about it, definitely possible.

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I'm just telling you facts. When airplane mode is on, the phone actually saves more information and transmits more information than if you didn't have airplane mode on, after you turn your phone back on. Just because it doesn't transmit does not mean it doesn't receive. Do you really think they're that stupid? They know you turned on airplane mode to hide from them.

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UPDATE friends: 'THEY' have circumvented airplane mode, had to happen once we started talking about it. The latest OS updates just shut wifi off completely now and it turns off your VPN. If you haven't secured your phone to intrusion (look it up) your cellular is ON ALL THE TIME by DEFAULT, they use this so they can keep using your camera AND your microphone to spy on you!

Again this comes down to responsible use of technology, you don't want the intrusion do the work to block them! Same goes for your PC, tablet etc. If you are "connected" and if you're not using security, it's on you! That's where Personal Accountability comes in. 🙏❤️

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Well said!

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Sorry but #2 directly contradicts several of your other points. “Nothing is encrypted”?? I beg to differ

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I'll just say that with the marriage of Quantum Computers and AGI nothing is encrypted ANYMORE.

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True. But the availability is considerably limited at this time. Essentially, nothing is ever truly encrypted with the consideration that any code can be decrypted given the time and effort, even with modern computation. Its fate of potential expiration depends upon the efforts of its counterpart. However, generally, at least to the majority, encryption is relevant and effective, especially since the decryption tactics are inherently inferior to encryption. The technology naturally outpaces the offset, so I believe as long as it maintains its lead role, it should remain at the very least a temporary solution for maintaining personal privacy; to an extent that is.

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Google married its AI to its quantum computer months ago it doesn't get more commercialized than that unfortunately. The only real protection would be to go around the ISP somehow, like back to dial up. They took it away for a reason.

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People will not get rid of their cell phones despite knowing the harm that they cause the same way that alcoholics will not stop reaching for the bottle as they watch their entire lives come crashing down around them. It's an addiction. They don't believe they can live without them.

- Ask any teenager to put their cell phone in a drawer and walk away from it for just a few hours (much less a day or a week!) and watch how anxiety visibly starts flooding through them. They absolutely believe that they need their cell phones, and no amount of studies, or facts, or warnings, or anything else will convince them otherwise. It's an addiction....and people have become addicts.

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Agreed. People are absolutely addicted to those things.

What’s worse is some companies require employees to have them. I am at a job that keeps me at the poverty level, yet I am supposed to have a cell phone of my own to get into the company email. I told the company “hell no” and to come up with another way to get into email. It’s a retail drug store, by the way.

I love the looks I get when I tell people I don’t own a smartphone. They look as if they simply can’t comprehend it.

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The most recent U.S. Census required its collectors to take in all the info on smartphones. >:-(

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Jeez. Too true. I've never had such an object but my time might come. Already I'm treated like a second-class citizen for living without one. I might get one and keep it mostly in a Pandora's box made out of metal.

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Bob Valenta: On day 2 of the FL lockdown, when nearly everyone was locked in their homes, there were enumerable crews out, simultaneously installing 5G towers. While traveling a mere 4-5 miles, I passed 3 such towers being installed by 3 different crews. --- Now, for those who may not have experience at scheduling and executing multiple installs, allow me to explain... In my career as a production manager of a 50-employee electrical sign company, I can tell you there's no profit in hiring that many employees to install the towers. The only profitable way to install all of those towers is to do it over several months. That is unless the government is paying you an obscene amount of money to install it quickly, while everyone is locked in their homes. Hurry. hurry, while we have them locked away. Get it done, before they notice. Except, I noticed.

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By the way, those guys who put them up...were they local residents, or all from out of town?

It would be good to know this. If local, make them take them down. For free. They made big bucks, the idiots.

I'll bet it's like they built the nuclear power plants. With mainly workers shipped in, single men.

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UN Warned 5G Would Cause COVID-19 In 2019 http://stateofthenation.co/?p=242530

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The towers are actually for a new transmission protocol based on 5g. The vaccines were an excuse to inject us with Graphene Nano Processors that can send and receive data. The new street lights contain cameras and I have seen pictures of some releasing a fine mist. Folks you must wake up now. If we unite we can stop this Fascist One World Order and redesign our society’s to be inclusive of all humans not just rich ones.

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True. You could also view all the communications cables and infrastructure which is the only thing done for months after fire attacks against communities slated to "build back bitter". Guess who's heavily involved in the West?

Avista, Billy Gates sister's company, Kritsiane Gates Blakely. Spittin' image of bro.

I ran across, or it did me, a cable company that kinda forced me to look deeper into it. Well, well, a nothing burger of a small coupla trucks company, and suddenly the dude's got this major Southern Oregon Communications business, big time. Former military dude.

Shortened to SOC, when I first looked into it, what came up first was USSOC. And damn if that SOC wasn't begun just less than a year than this SOC local was suddenly hugely funded.

Far as I'm concerned. So Oregon Communications is a part of US Special Operations Command. Seems quite obvious. Dude didn't need to bring me his card, I didn't ask for it. But I obliged him with interest. Very interesting.

We said by 1970, we end this military madness, or we're looking at martial law. How does everyone love their military protectors now?

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ALWAYS follow the money, it all goes to one place. Davos.

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Hey, did you know? the voice of the "OWL Statue" at their ritual grove was recorded by none other than....WALTER CRONKITE.

from corbettreport

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We don't have 5G in the US. They lie. We have multiply 4G to simluate 5G.

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Covid is a smoke screen for radiation sickness (5G) = Christopher A Tracy: I was here in New York City with family members when the late Nov 2019 "5Ge" rollout began. I was the last of the 5 to get ill within that 6 week period. (The youngest at 6 yrs old had an upset stomach, wanting to vomit, for about 2 hours, then felt fine. #3.) Then myself, already using the pile of vitamins was the last to get the colds and sweats. Each of our radiation illnesses lasted from 6 to 8 days, as we were hearing from neighbors above or below us in the apartments, getting ill.

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GD you stupid shit. WE DON'T HAVE 5G!!!! And even if we did, it would only be in dense cities. RESEARCH!!!!

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Oh we do indeed have 5g make no mistake. There are ‘several’ layers of Internet as well. Commercial, Deep, Military & Government.

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12-16-22 - Coronavirus is fake! - Colin Stevenson: Looking at all the Bullshit in the news and seeing what Researchers and Investigators have exposed aka empty hospitals etc. it's clearer now that 5G is the problem and not COVID-19. I said it before but now it is obvious. Coronavirus is fake! The initial problems in China were due to 5G being activated. The Coronavirus was created to cover that fact and is being used to hide the same all over the world. 5G radiation removes Oxygen by attacking the Oxygen molecule in the air and in people's bodies! This explains stories of Birds falling dead out of the sky in areas where 5G is being activated!

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Corona Virus is a real man made virus based on SARS. Was it any worse than a regular flu season, nope, actually the death rate from Covid 19 ended up being less than the usual 1% Globally. My math worked out to 0.8% of the World population for Covid.

Since we don’t normally get a daily tally of influenza deaths the constant media coverage made the virus look much worse than it really truly was.

The purpose for the Viral ‘Pandemic’ was a trial of compliance as well as the opportunity the Elites created to inject Graphene Nano (Micro) processors which send and receive data.

A new 5g protocol was created on the cellular platform for the Nano’s to communicate with the mothership & provide your Nano processor with instructions as well as collect data on your biological systems. Personally I believe the Nano is a kill switch but it could also be used on the totalitarian regime to control exercise, food etc. (for sure all “deficits’ will be punished).

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Viruses Don't Exist with Dr. Tom Cowan rumble.com/embed/v3vsygl

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WTF! An International Bird Flu Summit http://stateofthenation.co/?p=238277 - Flying Horse: Sound very much like the WHO and BigPharma are using the same COVID Playbook to cook up another Plandemic with Bird Flu.

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"Stop arguing about the existence of the virus" http://stateofthenation.co/?p=119598

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Stupid shit who doesn't understand the technology. FU. we are not on 5g you have fallen for the marketing gimmick 5G is here yes fake 5g is here they make this statement so people think they will have better signals 5g is currently not here today they will likely call that 6G what they are calling 5G is really nothing more than LTE advanced or what are some are calling LTE Plus why is it not 5G first it doesn't operate in the millimeter RF range of the expected 20 to 300 gigahertz LTE advance operate in the range known as sub 6 gigahertz in other words it operates in the areas already well known to us like the range from near one gigahertz to 5 gigahertz that is heavily used by modern technology products like Wi-Fi Bluetooth LTE Laura and so on secondly LTE advanced does not enduce beam forming but LTE advanced does make use of MIMO antennas which is also used by most modern Wi-Fi routers with 802.11ac or 802.11ax those also have MIMO now MIMO is implemented here has to do more with how high speeds are obtained on LTE advanced and less to do with beam forming higher speeds are obtained by the use of a technology called carrier aggregation in other words instead of having a single channel used for transmission and receive the signal is spread out over multiple channels both on send and receive thus more data can be received in theory LTE advance using carry aggregation can allow a bandwidth of up to 1 gigabit per second currently most LTE is limited to 20 megabits per second or slower in real life so what is founded as 5G today is nothing more than multiple LTE signals packed together thus a phone sold as 5G it's just able to send and receive signals using carrier aggregation of lte that's at the moment there is no true 5G phone and all the dangers are not yet here

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Dr. Thomas Cowan Explains it all http://bitchute.com/video/6TgUxtmjUSBs/

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Once JFK was out of the way... http://stateofthenation.co/?p=149213

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Trump healed so fast it's almost like he was never even shot in the ear - Alana Michelle: "Almost" ... Eargate http://stateofthenation.co/?p=239931

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Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.

I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.

THEY want you dead or a slave every which way from Sunday and AI, wireless gadgets and 5G/6G are major components in THEIR arsenal.


How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People.

GREED is behind every evil assailing us in the world!

We the People must try harder to live by The Golden Rule, doing so would solve most problems!

Everything is much worse and certainly including 'deaths of despair', all by malicious calculated design.

The demonic despots of Davos at it again! They are behind everything bad! At it for decades and cronies like The Rothschilds and the Black Nobility and The Khazarian Mafia have been plotting planetary domination for centuries! ALL BECAUSE OF AVARICE!

Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant parasites are perpetrating!

There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.


Migrant/Entrant Invasion/Infrastructure Attacks - all part of the destructive plot to achieve total slavery!

Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.


My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!

There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

Kudos to Arthur Firstenberg's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.

Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links. https://virustruth.net


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.


There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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Public serpents. I love it, Amy. Thanks for the laugh.

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Why are mobile flip phones better? genuine question

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Not really better but, I suggest as a way to wean the utterly cell phone enslaved to get back to basics and hopefully landlines. The way some folks are addicted to those mobile things boggles my mind.

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Because they fit in your pocket! 🙂

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As it sterilizes you in that pocket.

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Amy, I stumbled upon your long comment and have one question. After everything you’ve realized, why do you still believe in nuclear weapons? 😊

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Questioning everything. Radiation poisoning is a real thing, mushroom clouds are a real thing, what causes those things?

Did we have directed energy, microwave tech way back then?

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That is sus to me, dudette? Wakey²

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Not ONE MEnTION OF THE jews, dudette!!!😉🤔😎

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Yet, all their Gatekeepers, are mentioned by you?🤔😉🫵

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I'm 57. Never had a cellphone or wireless device. I have a landline and a wired desktop. My kids (15, 18, 20) don't have a cellphone. The more they push their dumbphones, the more I'm determined to never get one. I talk about the dangers of having a cellphone, mostly from a surveillance perspective as that appeals to more people now. They know Big Tech is listening because they get ads. That freaks people out. I inspired a few to use their phones less, and/or get a flip-phone.

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Norway does not have any landline anymore.

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That's terrible. So sorry to hear about what has happened to Norway as you described above.

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Norway no longer has land lines for telephones. That is, you can have a land line that streches from your house or office to the nearest tower. At an horrendous monthly cost, of course.

Norway is also the only country that has shut down all FM radio channels. AM stations disappeared decades ago.

There is now only Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB). It operates in the 450 MHz range (i.e. 4G).

Sweden found that DAB was not the way to go because the price was too high due to large areas with low population density. The same can be said for Norway as well, but since this is the most wealthy country in the world on a per capita basis they installed it anyway.


The former PM of Norway (Gro Harlem Brundtland) threw what I then called a hysteric fit when she headed the WHO some 25 years ago. She was probably well aware back then of what is described in this post.

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She was the author of "Our Common Future".

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She also coined the term "sustainable development". Globalist to the core.

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Thought that phrase beginning's belonged to Mark Carney... he's head of Canada 2020 and a former British Banker... Head of the UN's SDG's

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The MSM here in Norway has given her the credit for it many a time, so if the MSM says it, it' gotta be true. LOL

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The first thing I’m doing when my dad leaves this material world (dies) and I hope that is NOT soon is getting rid of that damn cell phone once and for all. I already refuse to own a smartphone, but I don’t want one of the things at all. Getting rid of TV and refusing to watch/listen to news has already made great improvements in my mental health.

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What a technician from a cellular company told me, when I asked about getting rid of wifi is that if my phone isn't on wifi mode, it won't transmit the wifi, it's when the connection of wifi is happening that the wifi is in the surround. (I'm not advocating for it, just found that an interesting point.)

I used to turn my router off at night, but she said it wouldn't be necessary.

Instead I went 'wired' and got rid of the wifi at least in our home... my neighbors close by, however are all broadcasting... and someone also told me the 'shot' creates Bluetooth signals in people - so soon, those who took the syrup may become connected (to what I ponder)...

At any rate, I feel that walking signals for data phones is not good for us or the environment that is all about frequency, according to electro-culture universe folks.

Besides that, we are also transmitting our every move, and soon that jibes with what the CBDC's and 15 min Cities tales of social credit scores, our 'devices' become our tracking gps device.

Ultimately, Freedom to be healthy or move around is literally in our own hands!

So @Arthur, I want to support people in my community to shift away from these 'conveniences' and need some kind of actionable purposeful recite to follow to help me to do this, due to the fact that our whole world seems to have evolved towards conveniences.

How exactly DO we take candy away from the children - so to speak?

I will look at your website for ideas. Writing this and hope others will follow, hoping that by sharing, this will go to an audience outside your followers who already have dropped their conveniences.

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There are very few specialized wifi routers that stop radiating when not in use, the vast majority of routers radiate all the time. You are in a much better and safer situation if you unplug your router at night.

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every plug inserted in a wall socket creats an electro magnetic field, some electric is always leaking. best to unplug when not in use

cell phones cannot be turned off, that's just a fact, confirmed a few months ago by a pilot of major airline

They're weapons

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Thank you... good to know.

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The bluetooth thing is very real and can be demonstrated (see my other comment about underground / tunnels) when in such spaces with a juiced person and a cellphone (only mine) and I switch on electrosmart app with BT enabled, I can see unknown device, when that indivdual walks away the unknown device and machine ID disappears. They repeat and can see that ID on their own phone - now I haven't seen if the ID is consistent, but its db level appears to increase outdoors as if they're being recharged, I was able to tell if certain people were in the vicinity and show that, but no one seemed that bothered or even interested, this topic is rarely touched but having a machine ID even if it doesn't work properly within people is dystopically disturbing - put it this way, if this is a self assembled transceiver experimental or not, then it can be used either for tracking or worse to insert new coding and mame / injure the bearer of that ID.

More research is needed in public domain on this, but just now its dismissed as conspiracy theory and nonsense. Nevertheless try it, look at unknown BT device ID's and see what you can figure out - the electrosmart app is one way to see unknown sources but you can also force that in settings.

Some say that this has also been seen in graves of recently deceased, I haven't checked that but since not many people speak about it, and current existential threats from other aspects are so important, that turning attention to where one can influence others is more appropriate to me.

So maybe some others will pick up the gauntlet and raise awareness glad its not just myself.

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Yes indeed - I've heard of things like this too! And also, that a sovereign man can ask a judge if he is 'shot' then is no longer a hue of man but a digital copyrighted entity and should step down from the bench. I'll ask a judge friend of mine about this.

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A Natural Law on this is that: "jabbed people are copywriter [patented ] by big pharma.


They have no rights as a man in court. (Especially a judge)

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Smart watches are worse than cellphones! Smart watches can even be bought by children, while the smart watch is constant connected with the body, and irradiates the one who wears it. There are NO existing guidelines related with a smart watch, because what is measured for SAR in a lab, with a plastic head filled with a mix of water, salt and sugar, is measured from a distance of 2 cm of the head, during some minutes to measure the heating effect.

This is mentioned in the SAR guidelines that are to be found on the package leaflet when one buys a new cellphone, or smart watch with an inbuilt cellphone and internet connection.

Shortly: these guidelines are false, a lie, and mislead people.

Be informed, and listen to the explanation in part one this video. I do not agree with part two, where Dr. Martin Blank's son speaks about protection. I do not believe in protection and let us not forget the total of wireless internet, including also the satellites, the radiating of the oceans, the minerals in the batteries of cellphones, laptops, etc. that are mined by deep-sea mining, on the ocean floor and is destroying the ecological environment of the oceans. It does not recover. An area as big as entire Europe is already ploughed by robots. All for the cellphone, smart watch, etc.

Video about the health risks of smart watches (and cellphones), about SAR: https://multerland.blog/2024/04/20/health-risks-of-smart-watches/ (share this video!))

Video about deep-see mining, but also the irradiating of the oceans with EMF, and creating "smart oceans" (35 different languages): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BjV-ZIZkHY (share this video!)

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You know what's also very dangerous?

Those monitors and such built into "gym" equipment.

Only used one once, many years ago, and it nearly gave me a heart attack, real quick. I was in great shape, I was just bored, and wanted to check out the "gym".

No wonder Douglas Adams died of a heart attack in a gym

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The depopulation agenda is alive and well! Our focus needs to be on our spiritual health because most of us will likely not be here much longer and for those who remain, suffering will be the norm. Our air, water, soils, foods and all animal species are affected by the deliberate damage done to the Earth. We've failed miserably as stewards of Mother Earth.

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I never had a cell phone ,but my wife is a cell phone addict .She would sooner give up her life than give up her cell phone . WE do have a land line for a phone ,but there are no wires . How can there be a landline without wires ? A cell phone tower is only 300 feet from my window ,and I use the computer a lot . I guess we get fried alive until we are well done .

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I am always curious about why you fail to connect electro-magnetic radiation with Covid19.

I would have thought that was obvious given the rush to install 5G towers while we were all in lockdown.

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Again. The US does not use 5G. What they call 5G is just multiple streams of 4G. Maybe in the future they will use 5G, but not implemented yet.

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I am sorry? You are misinformed. I think you may need to consult your telecoms supplier.

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OMG! You believe the hype. THEY LIE TO YOU!!! WAKE UP!!!! DID YOU NOT JUST SEE BIDEN??? HE'S SENILE!!! THEY LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING!!! OMG!!! You don't even understand the technology and you're questioning me???? Ugh! So I'm going to dictate this into my computer. Hope you can figure out what I'm saying. Here goes:

we are not on 5g you have fallen for the marketing gimmick 5G is here yes fake 5g is here they make this statement so people think they will have better signals 5g is currently not here today they will likely call that 6G what they are calling 5G is really nothing more than LTE advanced or what are some are calling LTE Plus why is it not 5G first it doesn't operate in the millimeter RF range of the expected 20 to 300 gigahertz LTE advance operate in the range known as sub 6 gigahertz in other words it operates in the areas already well known to us like the range from near one gigahertz to 5 gigahertz that is heavily used by modern technology products like Wi-Fi Bluetooth LTE Laura and so on secondly LTE advanced does not enduce beam forming but LTE advanced does make use of MIMO antennas which is also used by most modern Wi-Fi routers with 802.11ac or 802.11ax those also have MIMO now MIMO is implemented here has to do more with how high speeds are obtained on LTE advanced and less to do with beam forming higher speeds are obtained by the use of a technology called carrier aggregation in other words instead of having a single channel used for transmission and receive the signal is spread out over multiple channels both on send and receive thus more data can be received in theory LTE advance using carry aggregation can allow a bandwidth of up to 1 gigabit per second currently most LTE is limited to 20 megabits per second or slower in real life so what is founded as 5G today is nothing more than multiple LTE signals packed together thus a phone sold as 5G it's just able to send and receive signals using carrier aggregation of lte that's at the moment there is no true 5G phone and all the dangers are not yet here

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If anyone is apparently 'believing the hype' it would be you. If you do not consider dangerous the extreme overload of unnatural electro-magnetic radiation that we are being bombarded with presently then I recommend that you read this book:


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OMG!!! 5g=bad. I get it. I would outlaw it if I could. It's terrible. We just don't have it yet. Ugh!

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You may believe whatever you like. Reality is not dependent upon YOUR voodoo.

"Did you know that a smart phone has at least 4 antennas? WIFI, LTE, Cellular network, and bluetooth? They all are constantly receiving signals. And if you are nearby your cell phone, these signals are potentially going through the body."


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"The fantastic rise in diabetes and obesity are purely a result of the slowing of metabolism due to interference with electron flow in everyone’s mitochondria."

👉Arthur, there are very few obese persons in Japan though they are constantly on mobile phones and in packed trains surrounded by phones. So this doesn't make sense, but skyrocketing processed foods and drinks causing obesity in the US from the 20 yrs before phones came out does.

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