I thought I read somewhere that you could prevent cell towers going up by buying or registering an easement or air space rights or something on your property, or even on someone else's? does anyone know anything about this? I know someone who is interested in doing this but don't know if I can track down enough information to help her out.

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Unfortunately I'm not sure about this Phar.

Thoughts anyone?

You may want to check out inpower by Cal Washington - this group may have some insights.

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thank you very much Roman. I will do that!

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I think you can in NY. I’m unsure about other places.

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Can you please point me to some solid proof?

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There were some articles I found a while back about air rights and NYC. That may have changed.

Connecticut is banning some of the 5g towers.

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I know by me on Palm Beach Island they banned the Towers.

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In your case, who are "they"? The city? The county? The residents? What procedure did "they" use?

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Palm Beach 🏝️ Island is a VERY wealthy town ... the CITY banned all 5G towers on the island ..

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Thanks. I just now looked into a bit.

According to the following article, both Bill Gates and Trump have homes there. And the same class of wealthy people live in the other high end coastal areas of Florida where exemptions are being carved out. Same goes for most other regions of the country. It seems if one is wealthy one can become exempt from just about anything, including taxes... but not death - although they're working on that with transhumanism. Meanwhile, everyone else has to suffer the consequences.


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Yes. Palm beach island is billionaire island. 🏝️. That’s where Mara-lago is .. they putting all those towers over here in West Palm Beach..👿

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Isn’t that telling? Same thing is beginning to happen in Connecticut.

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And I’m not sure how they did it.. I just read in the local newspaper that it was done ..

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Do they still allow people to buy air space? I doubt it, but it would be very costly at this point if they did.

We already have huge electrical poles and wires running alongside the property we’re on; there’s an easement with the power co. and that alone is an issue for me.

I have hyperelectrosensitivity as it is, (only recently found out it’s a thing) and it’s been worse for several months. When there’s a storm and we lose power, it’s so peaceful and I’m headache free...until it returns. If it was a short disruption, when it all comes back on suddenly, I get an instant headache.

That’s not even taking into account the cell towers and satellites. I don’t know that we can turn this ship around at this point.

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oh dear. So sorry you are suffering with this nightmare. I do hope at some point you can escape.

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I need to go far far off grid to escape. Not an easy task.

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I know that there are many of us who would love to do that. But after reading this part of the article; I'm guessing it's impossible now; and will only become more impossible as 5G and all the progressing "G's" get rolled out:

"Starlink is 5G phased array technology from the sky. When a Starlink dish is online, that means a satellite is aiming a narrow beam at it. But by the time the beam reaches Earth from a few hundred miles up in space, the beam can be 8 miles in diameter or more. The dish also aims a beam of radiation directly at the satellite, and scatters radiation around it. If there are a lot of dishes in a 10-mile radius, as there are in Guffey, radiation from Earth and space is scattered far and wide."

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I saved these two links in my files. Maybe they can help your research.



We were attempting to start a motion on our property but did not have to as it located on an Indian Reservation.

So far so good.

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Thank you for posting these links. The first is a favorable outcome for a city who denied a cell tower, a very similar situation to the one we in WAlla Walla WA are in right now. Our city’s denial has just been challenged in US District Court, and we hope for an outcome like these folks got. Thanks for posting, it lifts my spirits!

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Thanks DD! I think that is exactly what I was looking for!!

you may want to look at proposed House that would override all state and local restrictions on Towers...


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Thanks so much Phar.

Yes, it is "nail-biting" that folks have to fight for God given land, water, and even our air.

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I’m pretty sure all the BAD tech was rolled out during the Covid shutdown.. I believe that was part of the purpose. They got all these things rushed through while towns were shut down & they didn’t go through normal “rules & regulations” ... I believe all the tech is already in place 😐

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Julie I think you're right, except that I think there is plenty more bad Tech on the way... I think not every place is totally saturated yet..🫤

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You actually think preventing a tower close to yourself is great as long as it's placed close to someone other than yourself? As long as it makes them sick and not you? That is a viable solution? I think that's messed up in the head.

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So...if I'm reading correctly, you are finding it "good" that the poisonous disease producing towers got placed on an Indian reservation?

So...as long as you are okay, f^^k everybody else? Like the Indians haven't had enough abuse? Yeah. Give 'em sum more. Who gives a crap?

And recommend this "strategy" to others?

It I read you correctly, I think you are a problem. Primarily because there are too many like you.

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No, I am not suggesting that.

The property that we have is under the tribal council. Same with the water rights here and roads.

The towers never got placed here. For now.

Just the way things turned out.

These towers and all the crap associated with high tech all need to be destroyed.

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The madness ends when we as a society let go of our need to control, hoard, and keep cats, dogs, and children micro-chipped so we don't "lose" them.

Micro-chipping and tagging actually makes us lose our loved ones for certain, as we irradiate and sacrifice their health for our sense of control.


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This is all so heartbreaking.

Such madness created thinking we are helping while destroying.

I am glad to see that many are becoming aware of our precious gifts given to us by our Creator.

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Like a princess with ice powers once said, "Let it go."

I agree.

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Roman maybe you can answer my question in the comment above?

Love your info on structured water, will be looking at that more.

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I agree. But the problem now is the global indoctrination and obsession with digital control of everything which people have massively adopted. They're all addicted to their 'smart' phones and gizmo twiddling for their convenience (and demise).

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Agreed because the truth is regardless of how many sickening chips or whatevers we put in or on ourselves and others, we are not in control. We were never in control and we never will be. Not a single one of us. Ever.

If we embrace lies we are liar-lovers. Yucky.

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We are harming the earth all so we can communicate and track objects a little better.

Humanity has survived so much without this stuff.

However, there's money involved and all this technology provides the perfect backdrop for a surveillance/control gird.

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Being zapped by Starlink 5G phased array technology from the skies is surely the ultimate nightmare. It's one thing taking down 5G towers through concerted local campaigns - but how do you escape the blanket radiation fallout from miles up in the skies?

You'd presumably have to target every home in the area and persuade each of those subscribers to take down their satellite dishes and give up their new and expensive kit. That's a huge task, especially when people are now in peak 'prepping' mode, buying into the technology to fend off other dystopian communications shutdowns.

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I have been waiting for some news of health impacts from satellites. I didn't expect it to be good.

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I think it is time we did something about 5G...if just to knock them down.

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I noticed the issues with insects and with plants, though I think a lot of the plant problems have to do with the stuff they’re spraying in our skies.

My question about chipping is what about the old internal chips used in pets? My pups got them in the first year and they’re old now, but are those also affected by the 5G stuff?

I know I’ve personally had a lot more headaches and even some buzzing in my head since the 5G nonsense started so we’re all affected in some way.

I’ll have my dogs’ chips removed if they’re now causing more harm than good. They’re too old to wander too far at this point anyway. I don’t want their final days to be uncomfortable regardless. 😢

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I’m guessing the story about the mystery dog “virus” is cover for this

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Very likely. I hadn't made the connection. Thanks.

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I know the towers burn well.

At least the sheathing on the wires does from the two towers I saw burn in our neighborhood last year.

Seemed like a molotov cocktail was thrown at the bottom where the wires come into the power source.

If I was young I might consider this as a hobby.

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All those billionaires fully aware of the issues

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Sadly, I fear that the only thing that'll finally wake people up en masse is more wholesale carnage. Until death and illness brutally lands on their own doorsteps, in their communities, whether pets, people or wildlife, and on a global scale, people will keep brushing this off and carrying on regardless. As they always have.

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As in the dayz of Noah. We've already been told all this was coming and what you describe is one of the markers. That as the incidences of death and destruction increase and increase, people will ignore it. To their own detriment.

We were also told how to prepare for it.

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Had to put this article down. Too many vets contacted.

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The "contact me" link for people without cell phones doesn't work.

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thank you

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